Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 3- Decision Time

My name is Sarah G. and my mom passed away from heart disease when I was 16. I have been searching for a way to honor her and also keep her present in my life for about ten years. I thought of getting a tattoo, I've traveled all over the world trying to fill the void and see things she wasn't able to, will name my first daughter after her, but want something I can do that will be both physically and mentally challenging and also raise money and awareness for heart disease.

Which brings me to said marathon. My mom grew up in Philly and I think it would be a nice tribute to run the Philly marathon this year- Nov. 22nd. I also plan to raise as much money as I can for the American Heart Association. According to the American Heart Association, coronary heart disease, which causes heart attack, is the single leading cause of death for American women. Yet, many women are unaware of how to stay heart healthy. I have to get a paypal account set up and start the facebook campaign but today is about making and sticking to this decision. A marathon sounds pretty scary..

I consider myself mildly athletic but spent most of my life playing sports that included short bursts of energy- tennis, basketball, and volleyball, not long distance running. I can run about 4 miles now with little trouble and am on course if I follow Mr. Higdon's advice I ran 6 miles yesterday (Thursday) and today is my REST day- and I'm enjoying it. We're getting hardwood floors at the G household (we've had BRIGHT yellow shag carpets for my 26 years of life, so this is a huge deal). I think a part of it was not wanting to change the house after my mom passed. Although it was outdated then, we kind of became attached to the chair she sat on, and the way she knew it. It seems weird to think that after this renovation she won't have seen our house.. I guess she's watching (and probably laughing at the fiasco that is our life) but its bittersweet to see the rugs go. See pictures for how truly horrifying the rugs were and how not-so-smooth the transition went.

This blog has several purposes. I'm hoping if I post my progress in the running department it will keep me on task and help me achieve my goal of running the marathon in November. I also hope to share some staying heart healthy tips. I think underneath all of this is also the need to express some sadness and writing does seem to help. This whole challenge is about learning, growing and healing in a few different ways.

Well, here we go.

The Yellow SHAG is GONE!!

The hardwood floors are being put down and the crew asks is we live in a log cabin. Oops, too much wood?

Dad sets up shop in the kitchen while the crew is hard at work.

Finished product! Yes, we know we need new curtains.